Thursday, March 31, 2011


Bowfishing boats, any boat can be a bowfishing boat but to have the best luck in seeing fish and getting a shot at a fish is to have a platform. Alot of people i know make their own platforms out of Aluminum/Metal/Wood and other sturdy materials. With 'Muzzy' and 'PSE' brands, they have all Professional made boats with platforms. Here are some examples
This is a V-front jonboat with a homemade aluminum platform

Some people will use anything to bowfish even a canoe!

This is a Sponsors boat, you can see it is outfitted for bowfishing

When bowfishing a 'Jonboat' would be the best to use because they are flatbottom and can go into shallower waters opposed to a boat with a Hull thats made of fiberglass that could crack when hitting a rock. It would also work alot better to make a platform on a jonboar because it would be alot more sturdy. There are plenty of arguments about the Hull boats opposed to a Jonboat but my personal preference is a Jonboat because it can be taken down the river without being tipped easily and i have been in a V-hull boat with a platform on the river and wouldnt you know it, the boat tipped throwing 2 bows, my buddy Jake, and a generator in the water which we all got back because of how shallow it was. So if you ever think of going bowfishing or buying a boat for it. Consider the more expensive but wiser choice 'Jonboat'. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Zebco 808

Retriever pro


Retriever Pro bowfishing reel Vs Zebco 808:
The retriver pro is the best reel out there and was put to the test by the Zebro co. back in 2008 when they set up a 'fishing' style of reel whih didnt go far when folks found out that there was even some kind of 'drag' on the reel and it kept siezing up on consumers which cause alot of returns and product loss. It is still standing and my guess is it always will with 5 star ratings all over the internet, Retriever pro. This company has had many sucesses and with the high ratings wont be beat anytime soon. So if you feel like going bowfishing, brand name does matter. Spend the money and fish smart.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New bow

Got a new Browning Ambush bow last week for bowfishing, had a hunting setup on it and needs to be tweaked to have a full bowfishing setup because right now it has a bowhunting set up.