Monday, April 4, 2011

Video Ideas

For my video i plan to take it of me and my buddies on opener which is may 1st but we cant anymore because of  the rules of this class say the video needs to be in by the 13th of this month. So now the plan is to take a video of my setup and maybe some practice shots into the river, or i could just illegally bowfish which is perfectly fine with me because ill just tell them its for a class in school. Let me know what you think i should do.


  1. break the law, yeah you're cool not.
    but seriously, might as well if it's for school

  2. That sounds like a good idea Cam! Keep the camera on for whatever happens after you are confronted by the police.

  3. Probably not a good idea to blame it on the class, I will say I didn't know anything about it....

  4. good idea cam i will join you.
